Graphic Design
Graphic Design
As a studio art major, Kevyn is proficient with various artistic mediums including full Adobe Creative Suite, inking/painting (acrylic, oil, markers), and graphite/charcoal drawing.
think big
This logo was created for a campaign that Kevyn pitched to her Chicano Art and Social Functions class in 2022. The idea was to design a brand to centralize networking amongst Chicano creatives.

Printable valentine's day cards
Kevyn designed free, printable, Valentine cards for followers of Splatter Girls Zine in February 2021.
Marcus research grant film poster
This film poster was produced to illustrate the minute differences between Disney cultural character design.

sfsu exp space exhibition flier
Kevyn designed a flier for a pop-up art exhibition for her Installation design class in 2022.

Comics & Illustration
Huell Howser holds a tarantula
Inspired by episode 128 of California's Golden Parks, Huell Howser proves that big spiders are misunderstood.

Loser Lessons #1
This one page comic was inspired by Kevyn's annoying habit of forgetting her phone charger at home.

Splatter girls zine
Self-published zines by best friends, Kevyn Tinoco and Christina Hang. Eleven publications were produced from 2015-2018.